Hi maids, moms, grandmas! Let’s celebrate your girl!

I am so excited to meet you all and celebrate this bride who all of you hold so dear! You are in a special position to help make this event one of the best memories of her entire life. Here are some tips about how you can make our morning go as smoothly as possible.

  • First and foremost, please let the bride know ASAP what services (hair, makeup, or both) you want! We need this information for the timeline, so the sooner the better.

  • Ladies, you should not be showing up to the venue with damp hair or leftover mascara on your face. We don't have time to blow dry your hair before styling, and getting up out of the chair to wash your face or put in eye drops is going to put us behind too. Our timeline is only as effective as the people participating in it! Please do whatever you need to do to be able to sit and stay in the chair the second your time comes, because being late potentially means making our bride late, too. Please show up with your face and hair ready for glam! Also, don't forget to bring all the important items (cash, dress, hygiene/beauty products, jewelry, gifts).

  • Nothing is more frustrating than 8 different people getting up in the bride's face all morning long asking a million questions. If it is something you can answer, please go ahead and answer it. If you have some time before or after makeup, go downstairs and check on everything. You should talk to your bride well before the wedding day and get an idea of decor, colors, seating arrangements, drinks, music, etc., so that you are prepared to take some of the pressure off the bride while she's trying to enjoy her morning. Ask her before the wedding if there are specific tasks she wants you to do. Have a list of vendors who are supposed to be showing up, and look to see that they do. Offer to take the bride's phone to take her texts and calls. Take care of food for the bridal party as well as the boys, try to walk around the bridal suite and clean up trash before photography arrives, help the bride gather items for detail photos, get the bride water/food/champagne, steam dresses in another room, and just find ways to help out. Take lots and lots of pictures and videos throughout the day!

  • Are you all making the bride a scrapbook filled with pictures throughout the years and heartfelt letters? That is amazing, and she is going to LOVE it so much! However, please give it to her BEFORE we do her wedding makeup. First thing when she wakes up, or better yet, at the rehearsal dinner the night before is perfect. That way, we eliminate a few potential tears after makeup is finished.