You are about to totally rock this bride thing.

Planning a wedding has so many parts, and I’m hoping that this short guide can help you and remind you of what needs to be done and when. You are communicating with a lot of vendors, friends and family right now, and I know it gets overwhelming—send your maids the “Personal Preparations” and “Bridesmaid Duties” guides so that they have all the info they need without you having to type it all out! Besides the personal preparations, below are some duties I need you to fulfill as the bride-to-be.


  • When you book, at the minimum I need to know what your date is, where your venue/getting ready location is, and a rough estimate of how many services total (you+others) you will need. I also need a deposit to secure your date on my books. All the info about deposits can be found on my FAQs page—get that to me as soon as you know you want to book so that we can move forward! I never give any pressure to book, but if I haven’t heard from you in a couple days after the initial inquiry, I probably need to move on to others. Next, fill out the questionnaire I send you. At this point, especially if we are 6-8+ months away from your wedding day, you will most likely not have all of the answers yet, and that is totally fine. I don’t think I’ve ever had a bride who was able to fill it all out in one go unless they were more of a last minute booking. I have the Google form set up to where you can go back and edit your questionnaire as needed, so don’t forget to do so when you figure out more details.

  • My Fridays and Sundays sometimes go as fast as the Saturdays do. If you are wanting to schedule a trial with me, let’s try to get that planned ASAP! If you want to use your trial for a photoshoot, message your photographer to get a list of available dates, and send those over to me (verbalize which ones are preferable to you) and we will collaborate to set it all up. Remember, we are wanting to emulate a wedding look, so try your best to be wedding-ready! This includes skin and hair care, spray tans, wearing white to your trial with me if possible, and bringing your veil to test out.

  • This may be a year or more away from your wedding, and that is totally fine. If you already know who will be in your bridal party (maids, moms, grandmas, MILs), go ahead and shoot them all a text to ask about who is interested in having hair and/or makeup done. Send them ideas and/or links from Pinterest or my website if you have certain looks in mind for them! This allows them plenty of time to think and plan, and sets us up to have a definite head count later, which is vital to planning the timeline.

  • It is NOT necessary for you to start going to an esthetician, but if you WANT to, the earlier you do so, the better. They will be able to offer you better care if you give them more time to work with you.

3 Months Out

  • Please get me a solid headcount for the day of! I ask that this is sent as soon as possible, but definitely at least three months prior to your wedding. Make sure to specify if you want everyone to have a certain style, if you want everyone to avoid the style you are getting, or if they are free to choose themselves. If we are needing to hire a second stylist, I will do the majority of the work for that, but I need all the time I can get to do the correspondence. Text all of your maids, house party, moms, grandmas, aunts, etc and ask them to confirm which services they are getting. Then update your questionnaire with all of their names + services requested.

  • If we didn’t do a trial, which is totally fine, please make sure you have those personal preparations in mind. If you want a spray tan for your wedding and you’ve never had one before, I would recommend getting one in the 3 months before your wedding (maybe for the bach trip!) to trial it. Start taking care of your skin and schedule those hair appointments.

  • Be sure to check out the “What to Ask Your Photographer” guide for tips on how to talk to your photographer, coordinator, and anyone else involved in your timeline. The total number of services along with the timeline are the factors that influence our decision to hire help or not, so send me those things as soon as possible. When I make the itinerary specific to hair and makeup, I will need that timeline to reference, as well as your bridal party names list in the order you would like them to be in (if any). I also use a photo of you + future hubby as the background, so send me a few engagements when you get a chance! Once we have our itinerary, send it out to your bridesmaids so that they are aware of what time they need to be sitting in the chair.

  • Make a list of all the vendors (makeup, hair, venue, dress, photographer, spray tan, nails, florals, coordinator, catering) you will be using for your wedding, and send that list out to each vendor. And please remember to tag all of your vendors in all of your social media posts. This is such a simple gesture that means the world to small businesses. It can be very discouraging to not be recognized for your work! Those Instagram tags only take a few extra seconds, and your vendors will love you for it.

The Wedding Week

  • Please make sure you are doing the necessary skin and hair prep leading up to your big day. Don’t do harsh treatments (waxing, threading, microneedling, botox, etc) in the 3 days before your wedding. Consult your spray tan artist to find the best day to get sprayed and when to wash it off. Make sure your extensions are the correct color and length if applicable. Make hair wash plans. Cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize on repeat. Swap a few of those white claws for water bottles and your skin will thank you!

  • I will send you an invoice within the week of your wedding that includes all trial, travel, bridal, and related expenses. Please specify if there is anyone else you would like added to your invoice besides yourself! Also let me know if you would like me to send the invoice to someone else after your approval, and I am happy to do so. All payments will be made in cash on the day of, so plan accordingly and remind your bridal party to swing by the ATM ahead of time.

  • I highly suggest that you pack yourself a little emergency kit for the big day. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but some of the supplies I often see people rushing to get include:

    * Period products

    * Stain remover

    * Scissors

    * Fabric/boob tape

    * Powder brush (I can provide you some touch-up powder if needed)

    * Safety pins

    * Lint roller

    * Extra contacts

    * Ibuprofen & antacids

    * Razor

    * Floss/toothpicks and mouthwash

    * Lotion

  • Trust me, the day goes by fast so try to prep before so you can live in the moment during!

    — If possible, steam your dress and veil before coming to the venue, or plan to have everything steamed in a room separate from the bridal suite on the day of, by someone who does not yet have hair or makeup done.

    — Have the bridal suite decorated to your liking before arrival, if possible.

    — Write all your vows and thank yous, wrap all your gifts, and make morning food plans prior to the day of.

    — Do a final check in with ALL of your vendors. My suggestion is to say something along the lines of “Hello X, I wanted to let you know that I am so excited to see you on MM/DD/YY at XX:XX!” You can never have too much peace of mind! Also text important people in your bridal party reminding them of times and locations. Send out our beauty itinerary ahead of time.






  • If you’re buying special pajamas for your wedding, please make sure they button up for easy removal. Lower cut, button up styles are best so that I can blend your makeup down your neck and chest. If you are worried about makeup getting on your PJs before getting-ready photos, bring another button up that we can do your makeup in! Getting ready pics only happen after you’re already ready, anyway, so you can just change before those. Try to leave any casual jewelry, especially necklaces, at home so that they aren’t in our way.

  • Please don’t forget to wash your face and moisturize in the morning! This makes a huge difference in how your makeup applies. Leftover, dry foundation or mascara is a pain to remove with wipes and takes up some of our valuable time. Brush your teeth, put your contacts in, and shave your armpits before sitting in the chair, because those are tasks that can mess up makeup if you leave them for later. Get the big tangles out of your hair if possible.

  • Instead of constantly running downstairs to check certain decor decisions and greet/pay vendors, try to designate someone else to do this or have your maids/mom switch off. Give your phone to someone else if possible, and just be in the moment, listen to music, have a mimosa, and chat with everyone. That’s what makes the morning memorable!

  • You have to eat something and drink water to service your body! Even if you don’t feel hungry, try to have a small, nourishing snack to keep you from getting lightheaded or drowsy. We don’t want you to be falling out in the floor from low blood sugar and dehydration.

  • How your makeup and hair looks for your ceremony and reception has a lot to do with how you treat it in the morning. My work can last you all night, but not if it’s sabotaged.

    * Please avoid doing emotional gifts and letters of any kind after your makeup is done, especially if you know you are an emotional person. It’s always the ugly crier who has a full beat on when the sweet letters come out. This makeup can definitely withstand a few tasteful tears with some gentle blotting, but there is no makeup that is going to last through a big bawling session. If a makeup artist tells you that it will, they are LYING! Rubbing, scratching your face, tugging on your lashes and excessive tears or sweat without gentle blotting are going to deteriorate your makeup. Open gifts and letters the night before or first thing in the morning.

    * Avoid that steamer like it’s the plague. If you have your makeup and/or hair done, you should not be in a room with a steamer. Have someone else take all the dresses and steamer into another room. Not only is the steam/heat not friendly to makeup/hair, I have lost count of how many times I’ve seen those things spray water all over someone’s dress or cute pajamas. I’ve seen them burn many of hands and clothes (especially silk), too.

  • If there is something bothering you (within the scope of things I can change), please let me know! Maybe there’s a speck on your eyebrow that you want filled in more, you wanted your lips to be more over-lined, or you want a little more face-framing left out. You are most likely the only person on the planet who could’ve noticed it, but this is a luxury service that I’m providing you, and I always want you to point it out to me so we can tweak to your liking!